Community Solar Criteria
Acres Needed
*Minimum of 20 acres of unencumbered land
*Maximum of 400 acres of unencumbered land
*The landowner is prepared to sign a minimum 15-year lease to a 20-year lease. As a qualified landowner, you will receive annual income for land that is currently non-productive. After the 15 to 20-year lease period has expired, the project can easily be removed, allowing the land to be preserved for future or resale.
Ideal for individual members who:
*Rent or lease their property but would like solar
*Have inadequate space, orientation, or too much shading
*Cannot budget an entirely private system at this time
*Want to access solar benefits as a wholesale cost
How Does Community Solar Work?
1.-Members of a community who would like to participate in solar can invest different amounts toward a shared solar electric system in a public facility (in this case, a fire station).
2.-The solar energy savings produced by the installed solar array become revenue for the community solar subscribers.
3.-That revenue is returned to the community solar subscribers proportionate to their investment.