Solar Land Acquisition 

We help developers and project owners obtain land for their solar development and administer the land after it is purchased or leased. We coordinate with permitting specialists, lawyers, engineers, and scientists to ensure the solar farm is built on time and within budget. We will establish landowner relationships as the lease or land purchase is executed and maintain these relationships through construction.

Solar Land Acquisition Includes:

Facility Sighting
•GIS Status Mapping & Web-Based
•Lead Land Campaign
•Project Management
•Local Land-Use Permits
•Planning & Zoning Representation
•Title Research
•Public Outreach/Community & Public Relations
•Land Value Market Studies & Compensation Estimates
•Photo Simulations
•Negotiations-Option to Lease or Option to Purchase
•Addressing Landowner Concerns & Negotiations
•Broker Price Opinion 
•Easements, Options, Contracts, & Purchases
•ROW/Transmission Lines
•Collection Easements
•FAA Drone Mission 

Complete and Accurate Land Acquisition Packages

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Our Land Staff

We serve as your public representatives and community liaisons, working diligently to build long-lasting relationships.

We utilize our diverse backgrounds, knowledge, experience, and personalities to complete projects on time and within budget.

Projects are supported and expedited by: 

•Creating and maintaining detailed project landowner via clients CRM, or spreadsheet database to track contact, specific property ownership information
•KMZ daily update 

•Recording necessary documents in their respective counties. 

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Frequently Asked Questions

What type of Solar Projects do you handle? 

DFREL qualifies landowners across the United States interested in leasing their land to renewable energy developers for utility-scale solar, ground-mount distributed generation solar, community solar, and battery storage projects. 

How do you find the landowners? 

We conduct several land campaigns where landowners are interested in hosting a solar project in your target regions. We qualify landowner submissions for proximity to interconnection infrastructure, topography, and other factors and then make these leads available to suitable developers.

How do we work with Solar Developers? 

We are a performance-driven company and only get paid when we produce results for you. Therefore, the price varies based on state and/or ISO/RTO. Payments are broken into two or more milestones aligned with the level of developer value and risk at different points in the development process.

How does DFREL qualify landowners? 

The land we propose to the developers meets a baseline qualification criteria. We scope the site and assess the land to be relatively flat, clear of tall trees, near transmission/distribution lines or a substation, and not in a floodplain. Drone footage will be conducted of the overview of the proposed project site. We will work with the developers if additional criteria are needed from the landowners.