Solar Farm and Your Options 

Exploring Solar Farming 

We will assess the land and put together a proposed solar package ideal for solar energy development to help the landowners decide if their land is suitable for a solar project.  

Factors affecting these land values include the farm's location, soil quality, drainage, and the number of acres. If you would like to receive a free, in-depth site analysis with an estimated lease rate, please click on "Request free Site Analysis."  

Please click on the link below to learn how valuable your land is. 

Exploring Solar Farming

Want to know if your land can host a Solar Project.   

Book a 30 minute Consultation to go over the site Criteria. 

We have partnered with the top 10 Solar Companies in the Solar Energy Industry to assist landowners across the United States who are interested in hosting a Solar Project on their property.

Frequently Asked Questions

How will a solar farm affect property value? 

Solar Developers with whom DFREL works are committed to developing projects that consider the area's character.  They engage with professional appraisers in each state to evaluate any current or potential impact.   There is considerable data that suggests solar farms have little to NO impact on nearby property values.   A recently completed study from the University of Rhode Island found that suburban residential property values suffered negative impacts when nearby solar farms replaced resources perceived as scarce, such as green space.    To learn more about the Solar's Impact on Rural Property Values, please visit:

How visible will the solar farm be?

Solar farms, based on the nature of their design, have a low profile, and the Solar Developers with whom DFREL works with, they make every effort to keep as much of the existing vegetation around the perimeter of the project as possible.  They commit to seeking community input on how best to integrate the solar farm into the surrounding landscape. Once the solar farm is decommissioned at the end of a lease, they will leave the land clear for any future use determined by the landowner.   

Is solar compatible with agriculture?

Yes. Solar energy in agriculture works for farm animals, crop cultivation, and pollination planting. In addition, solar farms are low-impact and can operate safely without impacting neighboring agricultural properties. 

DFREL has partnered up with several Solar Developers that develop solar farms on ground-mounted, installing panels on driven metal pilings.  Standard ground-mounted arrays typically range in height between 8 - 20 feet high.  During operation, the land rests and rebuilds, leaving soils aerated with new layers of topsoil. The pilings are removed at the end of the solar farm’s useful life, and the land is returned to its original state.     Pole-mounted solar supports multiple panels on a single pole with a higher elevation.   They can also incorporate a tracking system to tilt the panels automatically and follow the sun's path, increasing production by 25% on average and sometimes more.  

What is a Solar Decommissioning Bond? 

DFREL works with Solar Developers who are 100% responsible for the costs associated with the decommissioning of the site.   A surety bond-a financial guarantee that ensures proper removal of the equipment and restoration of the environment to its pre-existing state will be in place.  The decommission bond relieves the burden from the landowners and taxpayers and puts the responsibility of proper decommission on the Solar Project Owner.    To learn about the Solar System Decommissioning, click on NREL-a Survey of Federal and State Level Solar System Decommissioning Policies in the United States. 

Who handles the municipal permits and fees? 

The Solar Developers' local, experienced team will handle any permits required, and the Solar Developers with whom DFREL works with, are responsible for any fees associated with those permits.  To learn about the local solar permitting, please click on SEIA-Solar Energy Industries Association 

How long does it take to develop and build a solar farm?

The timeline for development is different for every project and can last from two to multiple years. In order for a solar farm to reach construction, multiple internal and external processes and approvals must come together, including environmental studies, land use reviews, detailed technical designs, and utility approvals. Federal and state-level policy decisions also affect our project development timelines. Once the construction process of your solar farm begins, we estimate the build phase to take between two to 12 months, depending on the size of the project.  To learn about the Development Timeline for Utility-Scale Solar Power, click on SEIA-Solar Energy Industries Association Development Timeline

How Does a Solar Farm Connect to the Grid?

All solar farms are connected to a specific point on the electrical grid. The vast network of wires connects every power generation plant to every home and business that consumes power. That point is called the “point of interconnection,” or POI. The POI is different for utility-scale versus community solar scale projects.   The power produced from a utility-scale solar project installation is injected directly into the electric grid at the project’s POI. This injection can be into a distribution line (low voltage) that connects to your house or business or into a transmission line (high voltage) that takes power from power plants to the distribution grid that serves your home or business.

What happens after the lease expires? 

The solar panels have an estimated useful life of up to 35 years.  However, contracts to sell solar energy typically don’t exceed 20 or 25 years, so the lease term usually is less. The solar farm will be decommissioned when the lease expires, and the land will return to you.  Or depending on both parties, the lease could be extended if there’s continued market demand for the power. The panels and other equipment might be upgraded, depending on the solar technology by then. 

Can the solar farm power the house on my property? 

Unfortunately, no. The solar farm must be connected to the electrical grid at a much higher voltage than your house uses.

What if I want to carve out a portion of my land for the Solar Farm? 

The solar developers DFREL partner with are willing to carve out a portion of a project area to accommodate structures the landowner want to remain or continue to live in. The Solar Developers may also be willing, at their expense, demolish and remove smaller structures that the landowner no longer use, such as a barn or shed.

Will there be a fence around the solar farm?

Yes, the entire facility will be fenced for security and liability purposes. 

What benefits do utility-scale solar projects bring to the community? 

Solar projects are sited on land that generates relatively little tax revenue. Therefore, the use change provides the locality with a new higher tax revenue source. Additionally, solar projects utilize minimal public infrastructure (water, sewer, police, etc.) relative to commercial or residential development, so the cost to the locality is meager.

Utility-scale solar projects create local construction jobs and increase business for local services such as hotels and restaurants. The solar projects also create a small number of long-term employment for vegetation management and Operations and Maintenance of the facility.

The solar projects could also be beneficial to the overall quality of life of the community.  In the case of farmland, replacing land with these solar projects eliminates the use of fertilizers and chemicals improving the water supply and decreasing soil runoff.  Projects are also required to implement storm management plans, to ensure that projects do not contribute to flooding or erosion.  When a utility-scale solar project is no longer efficient and the equipment is removed, the land returns to its original condition prior to the installation, and there is no lasting negative effect of the project.

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